Partner With Me

Committess and Conferences

Member Institute Advisory Board
Sep 2019- Present
Co-Chair Patient and Caregiver Advisory Council
Jun 2018- Present
Information Privacy and Security Standing Committee, Ministry of Health
Committee Member, Digital Communications Working Group
2018- 2019
Member, Biospecimen Advisory Committee
Board Chair
Board Member
Meeting Co-chair
Oct 2018
Member Knowledge Translation Committee
Member, Symposium Organizing Committee

July 2015-March 2016

Research Projects
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant; BK Potter, P Chakraborty (April 2017-March 2020)
Designing interventions to improve delivery of health care for children with inherited metabolic diseases: family and provider perspectives
Role: Knowledge User Co-Investigator: I serve as one of three patient co-investigators. We have a dual role as representatives of the rare disease community. Firstly, we work with the team in ensuring that materials and study design are created through the lens of a patient and family centred approach. Secondly, we will work with our communities to help find an engaged community to ensure the viability of the materials and design that will be used in the project.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research SPOR; S. Vercauteren (May 2017-Mar 2018)
Giving Patients and Health Care Providers a Voice in Pediatric Biobanking
Role: Knowledge User and Patient Representative: I provided a parent’s perspective on this project. I played a key role in informing health care providers and community members of the patient-family experience and facilitated engagement with patient representatives.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research Operating Grant: Knowledge to Action; C Chambers (PI), E Ehm (PI); 04/01/15-03/31/17
It Doesn’t Have to Hurt: A Science-Media Partnership to Mobilize Evidence about Children’s Pain to Parents
The purpose of this grant was to disseminate knowledge about managing children’s pain to the people responsible for their daily care: their parents and/or guardians.
Role: Parent Partner: I served on a panel of parent advisors that initially met via phone or email in order to provide guidance in what pediatric pain information was relevant to our lived experience. We then were consulted periodically throughout the year to provide perspective on the relevance of language, relevance and appropriateness of monthly postings.

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