
For information on availability and speaking fees, contact me via email or DM me on Twitter

Organizing a healthcare or healthcare research conference? Please consider making it #patientsincluded by following the patients included charter.

9th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, CIHR-IG, Montebello, QC, June 2018: What's the Why

A Rare International Dialogue, CORD-RDI, Toronto, ON, May 2018: Designing Care For and By Families

Quality Forum 2019, Vancouver, BC, February 2018: Patient Partner Compensation in Research and Quality Improvement: Tips from the Patient Perspective,  

Putting Patients First: Lessons Learned for Patient-Oriented Research, Vancouver, BC, October 2018: Participants as Partners in Research: Communicating a timeline to research participants for results with a 'fuzzy ending'.

White Coat Black Art, CBC Radio, March 2018: Why the Emotional Scars of Serious Illness Linger Long After Treatment.

NF Symposium 2018, Richmond, BC, February 2018: Because Your Doctor Can't Be Expected to Know Everything.

Children’s Health. Today. Exploring Contemporary Pediatric Issues, Vancouver, BC Nov 2017: The Space Between

Canadian Association of Genetic CounsellorsAnnual Education Conference, Victoria, BC Sep 2017: Living with Uncertainty: When Genetic Testing Gives No Answers

Alberta Health, CARNA, CRPNA, CLPNA Digital Professionalism Collaborative Meeting, Sep 2017: Virtual Selves: Our Lives Online

6th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Quebec City, PQ April 2017: Patients and families: moving to the centre - from subjects to partners in research

Rare DiseaseFoundation Gala, Rare Finds, Vancouver, BC Apr 2017: Where I find hope

What's in a name?